Covid-19 has affected everyone. From wearing masks to learning the latest infection control methods, almost everyone has had to make adjustments to prevent Covid and its spread. In assisted living communities, Covid prevention is extremely important because the population served is the most vulnerable.
The tips that work in assisted living communities are useful in other places, too. We've listed the most important, easy to remember tips that will help stop the spread.
- Wear a mask. One of the best ways to prevent any illness is to avoid exposure. This article gives useful information on the benefits of masks.
- Wash your hands. You should wash your hands for 20 seconds anytime they're visibly dirty, before you eat, and after using the restroom. If you're using hand sanitizer, make sure to use one with at least 60% alcohol.

- Watch your distance. Social distancing is beneficial even when no one in the group has signs or symptoms of Covid-19. Avoiding crowds and sick people is also extremely important.
- Get the vaccine! The CDC recommends the Covid-19 vaccine for anyone who is eligible. Vaccination benefits outweigh the risks for many people. In assisted living communities, visitation is sometimes tied to the percentage of vaccinated residents and staff, which means there are even more reasons to vaccinate.
Questions? These Covid FAQs can help!